The New Map By Daniel Yergin – Audiobook On-line

The New Map is a guide written by Daniel Yergin, a famend power skilled and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer. On this guide, Yergin explores the altering dynamics of the worldwide power panorama and its influence on geopolitics, economics, and the surroundings.

Yergin begins by discussing the shale revolution in america and its transformative impact on the nation’s power sector. He delves into the historical past of shale gasoline and oil manufacturing, highlighting how technological developments comparable to hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have unlocked huge reserves beforehand thought of uneconomical to extract. This improvement has not solely made the U.S. a significant participant in international power markets however has additionally had profound geopolitical implications.

The writer then examines the rise of China as a dominant drive within the international power area. Yergin analyzes China’s growing demand for power assets and its efforts to safe entry to those assets via varied means, together with investments in international oil fields, pipelines, and renewable power applied sciences. He additionally explores China’s Belt and Highway Initiative, a large infrastructure undertaking aimed toward enhancing connectivity between Asia, Europe, and Africa, which has vital geopolitical implications.

Yergin additional delves into the advanced relationship between power and local weather change. He discusses the challenges confronted by governments and industries in transitioning to cleaner sources of power whereas making certain financial development and power safety. The writer examines varied international locations’ approaches to decreasing carbon emissions, together with renewable power deployment, carbon pricing mechanisms, and worldwide local weather agreements such because the Paris Settlement.

Along with analyzing particular international locations’ power methods, Yergin additionally explores regional dynamics that form the worldwide power map. He examines the Center East’s enduring significance as a significant oil-producing area and its geopolitical complexities. He additionally discusses Russia’s function as a big participant in international power markets and its use of power assets as a software for political affect.

All through the guide, Yergin emphasizes the interconnectedness of power with different elements of society, together with politics, economics, and the surroundings. He highlights the necessity for a complete understanding of those interdependencies to navigate the challenges and alternatives introduced by the evolving power panorama.

The world is being shaken by the collision of power, local weather change and the facility conflicts of countries in a time of worldwide disaster. Out of this chaos emerges a brand new map of power and geopolitics. The “shale revolution” within the oil and gasoline sector modified the US economic system, ending the “period of scarcity” however ushering in a turbulent new period. Nearly in a single day, america grew to become the primary power energy on this planet. Nevertheless, issues about power’s function in local weather change are difficult the worldwide economic system and way of life, fueling a second power revolution in the hunt for a low-carbon future. All of this has been made extra acute and pressing by the coronavirus pandemic and the darkish financial instances it has triggered.

World politics is being turned the other way up, as a brand new chilly struggle develops between america and China, and competitors turns into increasingly harmful with Russia, which is pivoting east to North Korea. Horrible. China’s Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are converging each in power and difficult US management, as China initiatives its energy and affect in all instructions. The South China Sea, claimed by China and the world’s most necessary commerce route, might turn into an area the place the US and China collide head-on. The map of the Center East, drawn up after World Conflict I, is being challenged by jihadists, Iranian revolutionaries, ethnic and spiritual conflicts, and dissident populations. However the area has additionally been shocked by two latest oil value drops – and by the very query of the way forward for oil for the remainder of this century.

A grasp storyteller and international power skilled, Daniel Yergin takes listeners on an extremely partaking and well timed journey throughout a brand new map of the world. He sheds gentle on huge power and geopolitical questions in an age of rising political turmoil and factors to the profound challenges that lie forward.

A wise and attention-grabbing historical past of power for the previous 150 years and a practical outlook for the subsequent 50 years. Covers the political implications of oil and different types of power, the transition we’re going via, and the significance of power, particularly for at this time’s 2.5 billion individuals with out power . Very attention-grabbing and effectively written. A should learn if you wish to focus on power and local weather change in a balanced and knowledgeable approach.

This is a superb follow-up to power within the Mission to Tackling Local weather Points, the Way forward for Vitality, and International Politics. A complete examine of the potential impacts of COVID-19 may benefit consultants within the discipline of coverage and technique.

A well-researched, well-analyzed, and well-executed guide by an business insider that gives a world perspective on the power panorama over the subsequent 30 years.

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